Will: Is he doing an advertisement for "Beardenthal?" Is that OJ's brother?
Peter: He looks like Fidel Castro's grandson.
Will: I guess he's not Friends with a Schick Quattro.
Peter: Why does he look so smug? Like he just said something really profound and is letting it sink in. What could Matt LeBlanc, star of Ed, have said that could possibly be so profound?
Will: "That monkey plays baseball."
Peter: "Man, this script for Joey is gold."
Will: "I know what would be good for my career after Friends. To do a show with Drea di Matteo."
Peter: Who the hell is that?
Will: I don't know, but I think she's Brazilian, or Chinese, or something weird.
Peter: Did you meet her in the men's room at K-Mart?
Will: Yeah, we made out for hours. And then we parted ways, never to see each other again.
Peter: What were we talking about again? Oh yeah, monkey movies. They're awesome.Labels: Matt LeBlanc, monkey movies |