Peter: I can't stop laughing at this picture. The look on that cat's face is hilarious.
Will: How is it possible for a cat to get that large? I mean, do you have to feed it entire steaks for weeks at a time?
Peter: The head is so big, but the face is so small. And yet the face says so much - "Don't fuck with me, asshole. Just because I'm a morbidly obese cat doesn't mean I can't fuck you up."
Will: "I've fucking eaten people smaller than you."
Peter: "If you get between me and my 38 pounds of Fancy Feast, I will make your life a living hell."
Will: The paw speaks volumes - it's like,"Heeeeyyyyyyy! Meeee-ow, sailor!"
Peter: You don't see a lot of fat gay cats these days. Don't tell Jerry Lewis. By the way, do we know if this cat can actually walk? I'm pretty sure his kitty knees would shatter as soon as his owner puts him on the ground.
Will: Wouldn't his legs just disappear as soon as you put him on the ground anyway?
Peter: Like some kind of hovercat.
Will: And what's the owner so damn happy about? "Hee hee - my cat weighs more than I do!"
Peter: "My cat is about to suffer a massive heart attack! Woo hoo!"
Will: "My cat is so large I could fit Tommy Lee in there!"
Peter: I'm pretty sure I saw that video. I wonder if this cat has Hepatitis C, too.
Will: Maybe that's why Pam Anderson is so involved with PETA. It's the only place she can find a cat bigger than hers.
Peter: Wow. Well done. I just want to look at the picture one more time:
Perfect.Labels: animal cruelty, giant cat, pam anderson's vagina |
I think, no I'm sure, that cat's head is as large as mine. Yet, such a wee little face. Hilarious.
Where do you guys find these pictures?!